Wednesday, May 30, 2012

On behalf of the Stanley Elementary PTA, I would like to thank the parents, teachers, and community for supporting our children so graciously this year!  Through your monies, the PTA has been able to accomplish the following to enhance our children’s educational experience:
·         2 smart boards were mounted in classrooms.
·         16 laptops were furnished for shared use.
·         3 teachers were sent to “Marzano’s Building Engaged   Schools”.
·         30 cameras were made available for children’s use.
·         45 teachers enjoyed a presentation from Origo Education.
·         Supplemental curriculum was added to our teacher resources.
Other monies that will be spent before the end of June include:
·         Selected teachers will attend intensive reading training.
·         Additional mounted smart boards will be installed.
·         iPads (or other such devices) will be purchased for student use.
·         Money will be set aside to contribute to an outdoor classroom (as voted on by the students.)
·         PTA start-up money will be donated to Shafer Elementary and Seven Lakes Junior High.
Thank you for supporting our children and making 2012-2013 another outSTANding year!

Amber Stanford
2011-2012 PTA Treasurer
It’s all about the kids!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

We have LOTS of jackets and sweaters still in the "Lost and Found" from winter.  Please encourage your child to take a look at our "Lost and Found" wall, located outside the cafeteria, before the end of next week. We will be donating all items that are left. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Reminder to parents of students
Shafer Elementary the 2012-2013 school year:

Shafer PTA Spring packets are due today, May 22nd.  Please help jump start the 2012-2013 school year by sending your completed packet to school with your student.  This will also save you time at Meet The Teacher Night by avoiding some of the lines! Thank you so much for your support!

Jessica Burch
Shafer Elementary PTA, President

Extended Deadline for SSE school supplies

Stanley Elementary 2012-2013 School Supplies now on sale!

A NEW 2012-2013 PTA Membership is required to place your order.
You will have to re-register to place your order.

Order yours today through our Online Store at
Order forms can also be found at the Stanley front office.
Stanley Families only, Kinder - 5th
Deadline to order is THIS Friday, May 25, 2012
Questions??? Contact Connie Redmon at

Info about ordering school supplies for Shafer Elementary came home in the May 8th Tuesday Folder.
If your child did not receive a packet, please contact Lisa Madrigal at
Information is also available on Shafer Elementary website.

If your child will be attending Seven Lakes Junior High, school supplies will be available for purchase online. 
Watch for eNews with instructions on how to purchase them.
Seven Lakes Junior High Families and Friends can now sign up to receive important information about SLJH as it develops via eNews.
If you are interested in receiving eNews, please go to:
This will allow you to register to receive all SLJH announcements over the summer.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Stanley Elementary 2012-2013 School Supplies now on sale!
Avoid the stress of endless searching for your child's school supplies!
For your convenience, buy your child’s school supplies through the PTA.
They will be in your child’s classroom at Meet the Teacher prior to school starting in the Fall.
A NEW 2012-2013 PTA Membership is required to place your order.
All previous records with the Online Store have been deleted in order to make improvements to the site. 
You will have to re-register to place your order.
Order yours today through our Online Store at
The school supply sale is not a fundraiser.  The order costs are the actual price of the materials. 
Remember, returning Stanley Families only.
Deadline to order is May 21, 2012.
Questions??? Contact Connie Redmon at

Tech Showcase for the 3 New Elementary Campuses!
Come & experience what technology will be available to your student next year. 
Date:  Tuesday, May 15
Time:  6:30 – 7:30
Place:  Stanley Elementary
Address:  26633 Cinco Terrace Drive - Katy TX 77494

Monday, May 7, 2012

Attention Stanley Parents
Teacher Appreciation Week is: Monday, May 7th – Friday, May 11th
Your Stanley PTA has activities and treats planned for all of the wonderful teachers and staff of Stanley Elementary during Teacher Appreciation Week. Please join us in thanking them for the wonderful job that they do in educating our children!
Y'all show your Southern Spirit and Round up some Goodies
Monday, May 7th, Note of Appreciation: Saddle up at the table and have your child make their teacher or Stanley staff member a card to kick off Teacher Appreciation Week and show them our hearts are as Big as Texas.
Tuesday, May 8th, Flower Tuesday: Lasso up some flowers from your yard or store for your Teachers or Stanley Staff members. A vase will be provided to collect all flowers from the class.
Wednesday, May 9th, Nurse’s Day: Send a note of appreciation or a flower for your School Nurse and Nurse’s Aide.
Thursday, May 10th, Teacher favorite snack or gift card; Wrangle up something off your Teacher’s favorite list for them to enjoy for the day.
Friday, May 11th, Magazine Day: Gather up around the homestead a magazine or book for your Teachers or Staff, so they to sit and relax at their homestead.
During this week, please remember any of the other numerous staff members at Stanley that have played a special role in the life of your child this year.
Thank y’all for making this week special for our Stampede Staff!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Field Day is quickly approaching and the P.E. department is looking for volunteers for this event!  If you can volunteer your time on Tuesday, May 15th or Wednesday, May 16th please contact Kelly Williams at and state the day and time when you would like to volunteer.  The grade and time schedule is below.  If you have a student at Stanley and would like to participate at field day with them then please volunteer for a different grade level time.  If you have any questions about the event and/or volunteering please contact me!  Thank you so much!

Tuesday, May 15th
5th grade 8:45 – 10:30
3rd grade 11:15 – 1:00
4th grade 1:30 – 3:15

Wednesday, May 16th
Kinder 8:45 – 10:30
1st grade 10:45 – 12:30
2nd grade 1:00 – 2:45

Monday, April 23, 2012

Nominate your favorite teacher for Chick-fil-A of Katy's Teacher of the Year Award!
1.  All teachers are eligible.
2.  Anyone can vote!  Students and parents can nominate a favorite teacher, and teachers can recognize the hard work of their colleagues. 
3.  Chick-fil-A of Katy will select 1 Elementary Teacher of the Year, 1 Junior High Teacher of the Year, and 1 High School Teacher of the Year.
4.  To nominate a teacher visit either Chick-fil-A of Katy Website below.  Click on Teacher Appreciation Week on the homepage. Or select the Community tab at the top of the page, then select the Schools tab. 

DUE DATE:  Nominations accepted online April 23-27.  Winners to be announced during National Teacher Appreciation Week, May 7-11.
1. Winning teachers receive Chick-fil-A for a Year!
2. The Katy area school with the most nominated teachers will receive a catered meal by Chick-fil-A for the entire staff.

Please VOTE! Teachers LOVE chicken!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

End-of-Year Spirit Wear Sale

Spirit Wear items are on sale NOW!
Visit the online store
and purchase your spirit wear at reduced prices before it's gone!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Earth Day 2012
Please join us for the 2nd annual "Going Green" walk or bike to school on Friday, April 20th.
A light donut breakfast will be available at Stanley Elementary from 7:45 am to 8:30 am in the grass area of Fiona Sky and Cinco Terrace.
Due to the size of our bike community, we are asking for Kindergarten and 1st grade students to park their bikes on the Kindergarten side of the school.
2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students please park your bikes by the playground.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

This is your last chance to order your 2011-2012 yearbook!! There are additional forms at the front office. Deadline is April 23!! There are limited yearbooks left, so it's first come first served. Take advantage and order them now!
Yearbook Team

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Stanley Elementary will have a Closed Campus for all visitors  on Thursday April 5, 2012 due to Kindergarten Registration. Shafer Elementary will also register their first kindergarten students at our school.  We expect a large number of registrations for both schools.  To accommodate the parking for these parents, we will have a closed campus for all SSE visitors.  Thank you for your understanding as we welcome new families to our school.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Are you GOING ORANGE?  Be a part of choosing the new mascot for Seven Lakes Junior High!  Use your QR code application or go to to make your recommendation! 
We want YOU to be a Stanley Elementary PTA Committee Chair. 
The following chair positions are available for the 2012-2013 school year. 
Please contact the appropriate officer to find out details on the position.

Directory (contact Anne Reardon at

Youth Protection/Red Ribbon - Board Position (contact Michael Flores at

Arts in Education - Board Position (contact Michael Flores at

Reflections (contact Michael Flores at

Cultural Arts (contact Michael Flores at

Donations/Rebates (contact Ingrid Smith at

Spring Fundraiser (contact Ingrid Smith at

Spirit Nights (contact Ingrid Smith at

Council Delegate - 2 Board positions (contact Amber Stanford at

We look forward to working with you!

It's all about the kids!
Amber Stanford
2012-2013 PTA President 

Friday, March 9, 2012

The following individuals have been slated to serve on the
2012-2013 JH #13 PTA Executive Board:

President:  Courtney Doyle
1st Vice President-Membership:  Matt Frank
2nd Vice President-Programs:  Mimi Madrid
3rd Vice President-VIPS:  Megan Whittemore
4th Vice President-Fundraising:  Jackie Ennis
Secretary-Holly Datwyler
Treasurer-Jeni Hunt

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Jump Rope for Heart final total is an unbelievable $29,528.11!!!
We would like to thank our SSE community for helping make Jump Rope for Heart a HUGE success. All proceeds go directly to the American Heart Association.  I am so proud of our SSE family!  Thanks again.

Did you know? This is a national fundraising event, and $29,528.11 puts Stanley Elementary at #16… IN THE NATION!!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

The SSE Nominating Committee is pleased to announce slate of PTA Executive Officers for the 2012-2013 School Year.
This slate will be voted on at the PTA General Assembly meeting on Tuesday, March 20th.

President-Amber Stanford
VP Membership-Anne Reardon
VP Programs- Michael Flores
VP Fundraising-Ingrid Smith
VP VIPS - Laura Beth Bentley
Treasurer - Sara Martinsen
Secretary-Connie Redmon

Please contact Janelle Williams, Nominating Chairman at thewilliams5@yahoo.comwith any questions.
Thank you to all the candidates who were nominated. There are still many positions to fill in the PTA for next year. If you have
an interest in serving the SSE community, please do not hesitate to contact myself or any PTA member to learn about the opportunites available.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Please join us for Stanley Elementary’s Annual Mother Son Event

Roll with Me 2012

We will have door prizes, prizes for best 50’s Costume,
face painting and MUCH MORE!

Sunday March 4th, 2012
Mason Park Skate Center

Tickets are available for $10.00 each online at

The deadline to purchase tickets is Wednesday, February 29
For more information contact: Mitsuko Konuma at

**Feel free to bring your own skates to avoid waiting in line
Dear Stanley Parents,                                          

The American Heart Association’s Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser is winding down.  The due date for all collections is this Friday, March 2nd.  Please turn in the JRFH collection envelopes with all donations (cash, check, money order, and/or online donation reports) on or before that date.  Also please remember that if your child was able to collect online donations, when they are finished collecting, please print your donation report that states how much money was donated and include the report inside the JRFH collection envelope.  If we don’t receive the online donation report from your child, then we may not be able to accurately order the prizes that they earned.  Thank you for your continued support!


Coach McNichol, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Carnell, and Mr. Maldonado
Stanley Elementary P.E. Dept.

Friday, February 17, 2012

The nominating committee of the SSE PTA has begun the process of soliciting officers for the 2012-2013 PTA Board.  The committee needs your help to select a slate of qualified people to serve as SSE’s  PTA Executive Officers.  The seven elected board positions are as follows: President, 1st Vice President – Membership, 2nd Vice President – Programs, 3rd Vice President – Ways and Means, 4th Vice President - VIPS, Treasurer & Secretary. 

Descriptions of each position and nominating form will be sent home in Tuesday folders on 2/21. All forms should be turned into the front office by Wednesday 2/29. You may nominate yourself or soemone else for the position(s) but to be an officer you must be a current PTA member.

In addition, the information and forms will be sent out via email by your homeroom teacher or parent. The slate of officers will be announced to the SSE community by March 5th and voted on at the March 20th General Assembly meeting.

We urge all families staying at SSE for the next school year to consider stepping up to help by taking in a leadership role on the PTA board.

If you need any addtional information, please contact the Nominating Committee Chairman, Janelle Williams at 281-841-6389 or

Monday, February 6, 2012

I hear great things are starting to happen! Save this Date!

All Elementary 35 parents are invited to help launch our
parent volunteer program!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012
6:00 PM
Stanley Elementary Gym

At this initial meeting, we will:
·        Vote on the type of parent organization we’d like: PTA (Parent Teacher Association) or PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) after a brief presentation explaining both
·        Form a by-laws committee to begin the process of writing by-laws for the  parent organization
·        Form a nominating committee charged with recruiting a slate of executive officers for the parent organization
·        Get an update on the construction and planning process

Look for a reminder flyer in your child’s Tuesday folder next week!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Dear Stanley Parents,                                          

The Physical Education Department is excited to announce that your child will soon participate in the American Heart Association’s Jump Rope for Heart program.  This program is a 3 week, fund raising event sponsored by the American Heart Association.  Students will be doing this in conjunction with our yearly jump rope unit. During the jump rope unit students will learn and practice different jump roping skills, as well as leaning about heart health and different activities that will help keep their hearts healthy and strong!

Please be on the lookout for the information packet and collection envelope that will be coming home in your child’s Tuesday folder, next week, February 7th.  Your child has the option to collect donations by cash/check or money order.  They may also collect through online donations by setting up your own webpage through your child chooses to collect donations online, when they are finished collecting, please print your donation report that states how much money was donated and include the report inside the JRFH collection envelope.  If we don’t receive the online donation report from your child, then we may not be able to accurately order the prizes that they earned.

The due date for all collections is Friday, March 2nd.  Please turn in the JRFH collection envelopes with all donations (cash, check, money order, and/or online donation reports) on or before that date.  We encourage you to help your child raise funds for this worthy cause.  All money collected will go directly to the American Heart Association. Thank you in advance for your continued support!


Coach McNichol, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Carnell, and Mr. Maldonado
Stanley Elementary P.E. Dept.

Friday, January 27, 2012


PTA General Membership Meeting 

Tuesday, January 31st

10 am at Stanley

Please Come, Get Updated and Get Your Questions Answered!!!

Stanley Principal and Principal of #35 Will Be There For YOU!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Student interest in the after school chess club was at a whopping 150+ students. Thank you to all that applied. The lucky 24 students have been chosen and those parents have already been notified. Students not making the club this year are encouraged to apply again next year.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

In an attempt to accommodate our nearly 1,200 families and 1,530 students, the PTA and I have been working collaboratively to accommodate every family for Donuts with Dad.  To date, we have over 1,000 dads and children interested in attending this volunteer sponsored event.  We must adhere to district capacity guidelines and fire code restrictions for all activities which unfortunately limits us to a maximum of 800 people. Our desire was to allow everyone the opportunity to attend this function, but due to the current interest level and parent feedback our goal has become unreachable.  In the interest of fairness we are canceling the Donuts with Dad event.  We hope you will join us for the Father and Daughter Dance on February 3rd
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Kerri Finnesand

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Stanley Elementary Shows Generosity!

A HUGE thanks to our Stanley community for raising $12,649.43 for the Snowdrop Foundation.  This money is dedicated to assisting patients and families at Texas Children's Cancer Center. This funding is for continued research to eliminate childhood cancer and scholarships for college bound pediatric cancer patients and survivors. In addition, we were able to give over $800 in gift cards to those families who were spending their holidays at Texas Children's. It was truly touching to see their faces light up with joy!

The foundation surprised our Stanley student who raised the most money, over $190, with a guitar. Congrats Kaden!