We want YOU to be a Stanley Elementary PTA Committee Chair.
The following chair positions are available for the 2012-2013 school year.
Please contact the appropriate officer to find out details on the position.
Directory (contact Anne Reardon at annereardon@comcast.net)
Youth Protection/Red Ribbon - Board Position (contact Michael Flores at michael.flores1@verizonwireless.com)
Arts in Education - Board Position (contact Michael Flores at michael.flores1@verizonwireless.com)
Reflections (contact Michael Flores at michael.flores1@verizonwireless.com)
Cultural Arts (contact Michael Flores at michael.flores1@verizonwireless.com)
Donations/Rebates (contact Ingrid Smith at ingridsmith416@me.com)
Spring Fundraiser (contact Ingrid Smith at ingridsmith416@me.com)
Spirit Nights (contact Ingrid Smith at ingridsmith416@me.com)
Council Delegate - 2 Board positions (contact Amber Stanford at amber.stanleypta@yahoo.com)
We look forward to working with you!
It's all about the kids!
Amber Stanford
2012-2013 PTA President