Friday, January 27, 2012


PTA General Membership Meeting 

Tuesday, January 31st

10 am at Stanley

Please Come, Get Updated and Get Your Questions Answered!!!

Stanley Principal and Principal of #35 Will Be There For YOU!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Student interest in the after school chess club was at a whopping 150+ students. Thank you to all that applied. The lucky 24 students have been chosen and those parents have already been notified. Students not making the club this year are encouraged to apply again next year.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

In an attempt to accommodate our nearly 1,200 families and 1,530 students, the PTA and I have been working collaboratively to accommodate every family for Donuts with Dad.  To date, we have over 1,000 dads and children interested in attending this volunteer sponsored event.  We must adhere to district capacity guidelines and fire code restrictions for all activities which unfortunately limits us to a maximum of 800 people. Our desire was to allow everyone the opportunity to attend this function, but due to the current interest level and parent feedback our goal has become unreachable.  In the interest of fairness we are canceling the Donuts with Dad event.  We hope you will join us for the Father and Daughter Dance on February 3rd
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Kerri Finnesand

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Stanley Elementary Shows Generosity!

A HUGE thanks to our Stanley community for raising $12,649.43 for the Snowdrop Foundation.  This money is dedicated to assisting patients and families at Texas Children's Cancer Center. This funding is for continued research to eliminate childhood cancer and scholarships for college bound pediatric cancer patients and survivors. In addition, we were able to give over $800 in gift cards to those families who were spending their holidays at Texas Children's. It was truly touching to see their faces light up with joy!

The foundation surprised our Stanley student who raised the most money, over $190, with a guitar. Congrats Kaden!