Dear Parents,
As I am sure many of you witnessed this morning, we are very busy during our morning arrival times. We begin our car rider drop off at 7:55 a.m. every morning. There are twenty-two people unloading cars during our drop off times. We need your help to ensure a safe and efficient morning arrival experience for ALL children. Please support our students and staff by adhering to the following guidelines:
*Be a courteous driver, merge in to one traffic line when entering the school circle drive, and take turns.
*Refrain from dropping children off on Fiona Sky. This is extremely unsafe as there is not a designated cross walk. Construction vehicles and other drivers are not looking for children crossing the middle of the road in this location. ALL students should be dropped off in front of our school utilizing our car rider line.
*Have your children prepare to exit your vehicle as quickly as possible while waiting in the car rider line. This morning we were unloading cars faster than students could gather their belongings, say their good-byes, and exit their cars.
*Continue moving forward in the car rider line until being directed to stop, or traffic stops to unload. Our goal is to keep traffic flowing and to unload as many vehicles as quickly as possible.
*Cell phone use in a school zone is prohibited by law. Law enforcement officials have and will issue tickets for violation of this law.
Working together we can ensure a safe, orderly and timely arrival procedure at SSE. Growing is a GRAND adventure.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and supporting our school’s safety procedures.
Kerri Finnesand