Friday, October 28, 2011

20% of all sales go to Stanley Elementary.  Must present  flyer at time of purchase.

Take out and delivery
6920 S. Fry Road
  #J, Katy
(281) 347-7272

No delivery to Cross Creek Ranch but special pricing will be applied for out of delivery area customers.

The class with the most participation wins a class pizza party!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Click on the link below.  Mrs. Burnitt's kindergarten  students are true thinkers as they apply their reading strategies.

Lost and Found October 26, 2011

Click on the link below to visit the SSE Lost and Found.

Lost and Found October 26, 2011
Please help your child select a character from one of their favorite books for our 3rd Annual Book Character Parade. Students will dress up as that book character and parade in front of the school with the accompanying book.

Parents are invited to stand along the car rider sidewalk for a photo opportunity.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Reflections 2011 – Diversity is……..

There is only a short time left before the artwork is due for the Reflections program! Please watch the Tuesday folder for more information regarding Reflections. You can also go to www.texaspta/programs/ to get the rules, theme and categories. If you have any additional information you can email the following: Derly McCoy, Tiffany Parker, or .
Red Ribbon Week
Next week we will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week at Stanley Elementary.  "Positive Primates" came home in Tuesday folders this week; please take this opportunity to discuss with your child the importance of making good choices while decorating this primate together.  We will display these projects throughout the school for all to see. 

Monday: We’re wearing red to roar we’re drug free!
Tuesday: No monkeying around!  We won’t slip!  Wear crazy socks.
Wednesday: We’re WILD about making good choices!  Wear animal print or camo.
Thursday: Strut your stripes; be drug free!  Wear stripes.
Friday:  Drugs aren’t part of my character- Character Parade

*Reminder: We will conclude Red Ribbon Week with our 3rd annual Character Parade.  In order for your child to participate in the parade, they must bring the book their character stars in to school Friday, October 28th.  As in previous years, students will parade outside beginning at 9:00 a.m.

On-Line Progress Reports
In an attempt to save a few more trees, Stanley Elementary will begin to only print progress reports for those students whose grades are below 75. Only these printed progress reports will require a signature to be returned. This change will take effect for the 2nd six weeks progress report. ALL students will receive a report card at the end of each six weeks. Parents can check their child’s grades at any time throughout the six weeks using the Parent Information Center. Access to your child’s grades can be found at . If you need the login information to access your child’s grades please contact Terri Goodlett at 281-234-1405.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Free Software Install for Home!

Students at Stanley use Smart Software with the SMART Boards and on any computer at school.  This dynamic software allows students to create games, highlight information, and make quick movie clips as well as many other things.
  Would you like for your child to have access on their home computer?  Just email your child’s teacher and they will send home directions containing a key code for installation at home.  It’s that easy!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I look forward to seeing everyone this evening for Parent's Turn to Learn from 6:00-7:30 p.m. 
Stetsons and Stilettos for the Stampede tickets will be on sale in the front lobby...bring your check book.  Moms, take the night off  from cooking...Papa Johns will be selling pizza in our cafeteria from 5:30-7:30 p.m. (cash only).