Monday, December 12, 2011

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to everyone who has generously donated to SNOWDROP.  To date, we have raised nearly $8,000 for Texas Children’s Hospital.  Principal run pledges are due on Wednesday!
Thank you to everyone who donated to our giving tree in the Library. All family requests from our sister school were fulfilled! Thank you to everyone who donated gift cards to SNOWDROP.   I will take all gift cards donated to Texas Children’s cancer floor on Monday, December 19th and distribute them to family members who will spend the holidays in the hospital with their child.  Thank you for supporting such a worthy cause!
Stetson’s and Stilettos Update
A HUGE thank you to everyone who supported our 3rd annual Stetson’s and Stilettos for the Stampede event.  $44,000 was raised for our school.  The funds purchased the following for our school:
*Book of Poetry-instructional resource
*Mentor Text-instructional resource
*Five digital cameras
*25 Flip Cameras
*16 lap top computers
*2 mounted SMART boards
Thank you PTA!!!!!!!!!
GT Screening
All GT screening paperwork for students in grades 1-4 is due by December 14th!
PJ Day
All students are invited to join the SSE staff for our 3rd annual Pajama Day this Friday, December 16th!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

“Gratitude helps you to grow and expand; gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life and into the lives of all those around you.”
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who worked so hard to make our staff Thanksgiving luncheon such a special event.  It was obvious that a great deal of effort and care went into the amazing dishes prepared for us. Thank you for making us feel appreciated!
This is the time of year to reflect on all of the reasons to be thankful.  I am thankful for our generous community, devoted volunteers, supportive parents, and talented students.  I am truly honored to work with you and your children everyday. Together, we inspire our future generations.
I hope that you'll find many things in your life that fill you with gratitude. Enjoy this time with friends and family, and be deliberate to express appreciation to those around you.   Somehow, there's always something to be thankful about!
Happy Thanksgiving,
Kerri Finnesand

Friday, November 18, 2011

We Need Your Help at the Holiday School Store!!!
Fun and Festive for the Kids and the Volunteers!!!

Dec 1st and 2nd
There are certain shifts that really need your help!!

Please email Sheila at if you are interested in helping out


Monday, November 14, 2011

Wednesday, November 16th our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students will be participating in district reading benchmarks.  In order to ensure that we have a quiet testing environment, we will be a closed campus to all outside visitors. Thanks for your cooperation!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

It's that time again.....  We are excited to announce our Holiday store will be on December 1st and 2nd. We need twice as many volunteers this time so please consider helping out with this fun event and sign up to help out. Siblings are welcome! Email Sheila if you would like to volunteer.

The numbers have been tallied and the results from Stanley's 2011 Stetsons & Stilettos Fall Fundraiser are in!  The auction raised $45,000 ($10,000 more than 2010) and will be used to purchase digital cameras, video cameras, laptops, instruction materials, SMART boards and books for the school immediately!  Many, many thanks to each and every one of you who contributed through donations, purchases, and planning.  The success would not have been possible without you!  Congratulations!

With Gratitude,
Jessica Burch
Stanley Elementary PTA

Friday, October 28, 2011

20% of all sales go to Stanley Elementary.  Must present  flyer at time of purchase.

Take out and delivery
6920 S. Fry Road
  #J, Katy
(281) 347-7272

No delivery to Cross Creek Ranch but special pricing will be applied for out of delivery area customers.

The class with the most participation wins a class pizza party!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Click on the link below.  Mrs. Burnitt's kindergarten  students are true thinkers as they apply their reading strategies.

Lost and Found October 26, 2011

Click on the link below to visit the SSE Lost and Found.

Lost and Found October 26, 2011
Please help your child select a character from one of their favorite books for our 3rd Annual Book Character Parade. Students will dress up as that book character and parade in front of the school with the accompanying book.

Parents are invited to stand along the car rider sidewalk for a photo opportunity.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Reflections 2011 – Diversity is……..

There is only a short time left before the artwork is due for the Reflections program! Please watch the Tuesday folder for more information regarding Reflections. You can also go to www.texaspta/programs/ to get the rules, theme and categories. If you have any additional information you can email the following: Derly McCoy, Tiffany Parker, or .
Red Ribbon Week
Next week we will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week at Stanley Elementary.  "Positive Primates" came home in Tuesday folders this week; please take this opportunity to discuss with your child the importance of making good choices while decorating this primate together.  We will display these projects throughout the school for all to see. 

Monday: We’re wearing red to roar we’re drug free!
Tuesday: No monkeying around!  We won’t slip!  Wear crazy socks.
Wednesday: We’re WILD about making good choices!  Wear animal print or camo.
Thursday: Strut your stripes; be drug free!  Wear stripes.
Friday:  Drugs aren’t part of my character- Character Parade

*Reminder: We will conclude Red Ribbon Week with our 3rd annual Character Parade.  In order for your child to participate in the parade, they must bring the book their character stars in to school Friday, October 28th.  As in previous years, students will parade outside beginning at 9:00 a.m.

On-Line Progress Reports
In an attempt to save a few more trees, Stanley Elementary will begin to only print progress reports for those students whose grades are below 75. Only these printed progress reports will require a signature to be returned. This change will take effect for the 2nd six weeks progress report. ALL students will receive a report card at the end of each six weeks. Parents can check their child’s grades at any time throughout the six weeks using the Parent Information Center. Access to your child’s grades can be found at . If you need the login information to access your child’s grades please contact Terri Goodlett at 281-234-1405.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Free Software Install for Home!

Students at Stanley use Smart Software with the SMART Boards and on any computer at school.  This dynamic software allows students to create games, highlight information, and make quick movie clips as well as many other things.
  Would you like for your child to have access on their home computer?  Just email your child’s teacher and they will send home directions containing a key code for installation at home.  It’s that easy!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I look forward to seeing everyone this evening for Parent's Turn to Learn from 6:00-7:30 p.m. 
Stetsons and Stilettos for the Stampede tickets will be on sale in the front lobby...bring your check book.  Moms, take the night off  from cooking...Papa Johns will be selling pizza in our cafeteria from 5:30-7:30 p.m. (cash only).

Friday, September 30, 2011

College Week at SSE
Generation TX week (formerly known as “Education: Go Get It” week) is coming up.  The week of October 11th we will focus on college awareness.  In order to kick off this week, we are encouraging staff and students to wear college gear Tuesday, October 11th.  To tie in with our Core Essential for the month of October, creativity, we are encouraging children to get creative and make a college poster of their own to be displayed throughout the hall ways

Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week is October 24th-28th.  Staying with our “Growing is a GRAND adventure” safari theme, a “positive primate” will be coming home soon for you and your child to decorate and state why it is important to make good choices and avoid drugs. We will end our Red Ribbon Week again this year with our Character Parade because “drugs are not part of our character.” Please help your child select a character from one of their favorite books for our 3rd Annual Book Character Parade. Students will dress up as that book character and parade in front of the school with the accompanying book. Please ensure that your child still meets dress code requirements.

PTA News

Reservations for Stetsons & Stilettos 
The time for Katy ISD’s most envied elementary fundraiser is right around the corner!  Have you made your reservations yet?  If not, don’t wait any longer; October 14, 2011 is only 2 weeks away!  Reservations for Stanley’s Stetsons & Stilettos Auction Fundraiser can be made via the PTA Online Store at and allows you pay with a credit card or print the form to take to the school with your check or cash payment.  The other option is to fill out the reservation form available by the front door of the school, attach your payment, and turn in at the front desk.  Reservations are $20/person and include all food and beverages at the event.  It’s going to be a fun time!

Where does the money from Stetsons & Stilettos go?
All money raised from Stetsons & Stilettos goes to support the technology needs at Stanley Elementary.  Make sure to attend Stanley’s ‘Parents Turn to Learn’ Night October 4, 2011 to see all of the exciting things happening at Stanley with the technology the auction supports!  Reservations for the auction will be available for purchase before and after ‘Parents Turn to Learn’ at Stanley Elementary.

Thank you for your support!
Stanley Elementary PTA would like to offer our sincere gratitude for the support of our Stanley parents who graciously took the time to send in items to be used for the themed baskets!  You are amazing!  Thank you!  They will be assembled and auctioned off in addition to the other items donated by the Katy community.

                 PTA Reflections Program
The time has come once again to show your creative side. The Reflection art program is in full swing here at Stanley elementary. Reflection mission is to provide diverse art experiences for children to express their creative talent. Reflection Art program has 6 different categories in the field of Dance/Choreography, Film production, Literature, Music composition, Photography and Visual arts. Every year the Reflection art program has a different theme and this year the theme will be

 To promote and encourage the arts and artistic creativity within our student population, Stanley elementary is welcoming our children to showcase their talent in the above categories.

The deadline to turn in your entries is the week of October 31st –November 4th, 2011

For more information on requirements and guidelines please visit the Texas PTA website at

Below are some useful links to printout the forms

Student entry form:

Student Consent form:

Here are the categories you may enter and the links for their guidelines and requirements:

Film Production:

Musical Composition:
Visual Arts:

If you have any questions please contact,

Derly McCoy-
Tiffany Parker-
Savitha Chethan-

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Congratulations Brandon Wees

Congratulations Brandon Wees! Brandon was awarded first place for a video about mitochondrial disease.  The contest, sponsored by the United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation, was created to help spread awareness of the disease.  As part of his prize, the UMDF will send Brandon a new Apple iPad.
We are so proud of Brandon!

A HUGE thank you to all of our dads who attended our 2nd annual WATCH D.O.G.S. kick-off event and for providing our staff and students with the precious gift of your time. Thank you for volunteering!
-K. Finnesand
President’s Speech
SSE will record and show the President’s speech on Friday, September 30th at 12:00 p.m.  Please visit for additional information.

Parent’s Turn to Learn
As a follow up to dates previously posted on the principal’s blog, Tuesday October 4th from 6:00-7:30 p.m. SSE will host a Parent’s Turn to Learn (PTL) night.  Below are specific grade level schedules.  Please contact grade level teachers for additional information.
K, 1, 2:  6:00-6:45   PTL (report to your child’s classroom)
              6:45-7:30    Technology student showcase (SSE gym)
3, 4, 5   6:00-6:45    Technology student showcase (SSE gym)
6:45-7:30    PTL (report to your child’s classroom)

Lunch Visitors
SSE will be closed to lunch visitors on early release days.  Students will eat lunch in their classroom on all early release days.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Directory Web-site Link Correction

Raptor Visitor Tracking System
For the safety and security of your child, Katy ISD has implemented a visitor tracking system in all of its schools. The purpose of this system is to ensure that adult visitors on campus do not pose a threat to any students.
Upon entering you child’s campus, you will be asked to present one of the following forms of identification in order to move beyond the front desk:
  • Valid Drivers License (any state)
  • State-Issued I.D. Card
  • Work Visa
  • Green Card
Your license or identification card will be scanned. Once cleared you will be issued a visitor’s badge, which must be worn while you are on campus. Upon your departure the visitor’s badge must be returned to the front office
Book Fair
Stanley Elementary had a very successful Scholastic Book Fair last week! With your support, we earned over $7,000 for books, author visits, and other library resources. The library staff wants to thank all the parents/grandparents that supported and volunteered during the week. We would not have been successful without your help!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Stanley Stampede Directory

To be included in this year’s directory, please
take a few minutes to add your information
into the 2011-2012 PTA Directory! You must 
follow the link below to be included in the
Information from last year cannot be use.
Go to website listed above and click to continue
Any questions please contact:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Reservations Now Being Accepted!

Limited Spots Available for:


Please visit to make your reservation today! Reservations are $20/person and include unlimited food & beverages.  The program includes live music, both silent & live auctions, food from the best restaurants Katy offers, and great fun! For more information, please visit

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2011 *7 PM-10 PM

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Effective immediately, ALL PTA purchases such as Stetson & Stiletto Reservations, Spirit War, Class Parties, Popcorn Treats, etc… must be ORDERED Online. No more forms will be sent home to order these items. Items can be paid for online via credit card or Pay Pal.

Some items will remain on the website all year long, while others may only be available for a particular time period. You will me notified via the Principals Blog, Teachers or Homeroom Parents when items are available on the website.
A link to the PTA Store can be found on the Stanley PTA website or you may access it directly at anytime by going to
so be sure to check it out TODAY!

If you have any questions regarding the PTA Store, please contract Janelle Williams at

Monday, September 12, 2011

Have you heard the news?

Stetsons & Stilettos is the talk of the town! This highly successful event is coming back to benefit Stanley Elementary!

Stanley Elementary PTA is currently planning their 3rd Annual Stetsons & Stilettos Auction!  This event serves as THE main fundraiser for your Stanley Elementary PTA.  Over the past two years, Stetsons & Stilettos has raised almost $80,000 for our school!!  The money raised has paid for the playground our children use everyday at school and much of the SMART technology that our children interact with daily!  It’s hard to imagine what our children’s school experience would be like without a playground and technology so we hope to raise more than $50,000 this year to bring in even more technology for our rapidly growing school!

The work that goes in to planning Stetsons & Stilettos is extensive as the PTA relies heavily on donations to maximize the $$ raised for Stanley Elementary. 

So you ask: What can I do to help make Stetsons & Stilettos a huge success??

Glad you asked!

The PTA is in need of the following items for Stetsons & Stilettos:

·       Donations for the silent & live auction
o   Do you have any new unused items in your home that you think someone else would love to have or do you have a professional skill that someone could utilize (i.e. photography, massage therapy, painting, carpentry, interior decorating, landscape design, etc.)
o   Do you own a timeshare or vacation home that someone would like to visit for a long weekend?
o   Do you have friends that own a business that might want to donate something to the auction?
o   Do you have tons of airline miles that could be used to purchase airline tickets to be packaged with vacation destinations?
o   The list can go on and on.  If you have something that you think can be auctioned and would like to offer it, please go to and download the Donor Letter and Form. 

·       Tables, tables, and more tables
o   Do you have a party rental contact in the community that rents tables that would consider donating tables and/or black table linens to be used to display our auction items?

·       Event Lighting
o   Do you have a contact with an event lighting company that would be willing to donate their services?

·       Auction Program Advertising
o   Half-page and full-page advertising is available in the auction program.  If you are interested in advertising your business or have someone who would be interested, please download the donor form at and contact Kristi Moers at

·       If you have any questions related to the items listed above, please contact Jessica Burch at (832) 451-6219.

Finally, Stetsons & Stilettos is such a popular event with limited spaces available; therefore admission to the event is available by reservation only.  Reservations will be taken beginning next week for a fee of $20/person.  The reservation fee will include all food and beverages while at Stetsons & Stilettos.  Reservation Kick-Off information will be coming soon. 

Stay tuned…you won’t want to miss it!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Tuesday, September 13th at 10am
If you plan on attending, please visit the MAIN OFFICE to get your RAPTOR badge PRIOR to the meeting 
Join the Principal for a MEET and GREET immediately following the meeting!!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Due to the large response for our Grandparent's Breakfast, we have to change the location and time for the event!
Grandparents Breakfast on Tuesday, September 13th in the Cafeteria

Please arrive and park in our Staff parking area and enter through the Cafeteria doors.
The event is from 7:00 am to 7:45 am.

You will need to be out of the parking area for Staff to arrive and to be able to park by 7:45 am.
Currently we have 300 RSVP's for this event and we will not be accepting any new RSVP's.
If you would like to visit the Library for the School Book Fair FOLLOWING the event, please read below.
·         At the end of the breakfast, please exit out of the Staff Parking lot and park in the spaces in front of the school and on any street NOT USED FOR student drop off for school. The drive in the front of the school cannot be used, we have Car Pool that starts at 7:45 am.
·         You may come back after the school has opened at 8:30 am to purchase your books or at our evening time of 4:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
·         You may purchase a Gift Certificate AT THE BREAKFAST for your grandchild to use later that day for the book fair.